建築系 鄭政利教授 指導學生 黃亘懋 參加『臺灣建築學會第35屆建築研究成果發表會』,榮獲優秀研究成果發表獎!




本會為拓展學術發表風氣,建立研究發表制度,在第十屆張世典理事長任內,經由學術委員會及研究發展委員會的努力策劃下,於七十七年十一月舉辦首開建築界的「建築學術研究發表會」。每年發表會由各大專院校建築系輪流負責執行,每屆發表會並彙編出版論文集,現已成為國內建築界一個不可或缺的發表舞台。 本會創辦此項發表會,對促進國內建築學術研究,具有相當重大的意義,經由此種學術性發表活動,吸引有興趣的人士前來參與,可拓展學術活動的接觸面,並希望此發表會活動能和學校科系的教學產生良性的互動關係,加強教學相長的正面影響。





Study on Energy Efficiency Evaluation Indicators for Building Hot Water Systems in Taiwan


During the operational phase of the building life cycle, over 60% of energy consumption and carbon emissions occur, with hot water energy consumption being a significant factor. This study aims to investigate the energy consumption characteristics of fixed hot water equipment in residential buildings in Taiwan, as well as update and confirm the standards for hot water system equipment and domestic hot water usage in Taiwan. The results of the hot water energy consumption in Taiwanese residential buildings indicate that hot water usage is a critical factor influencing the energy efficiency of the hot water systems. Additionally, the choice of heating equipment is crucial as well. In the calculations, we found that natural gas consumes 10.3% less energy than electricity for the same heating time. If electric heating is used, it is recommended to use high-efficiency heat pumps, which can reduce energy consumption by up to four times. Finally, based on the investigation of hot water energy consumption and the proportion of heating equipment, the average annual total hot water energy consumption rate for Taiwanese residential buildings was determined to be 1.15 classified as existing buildings.
